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That's What I Think
By Ray Solomon
Southwestern Jewish Press, July 11, 1946

Between meals again this week...I wouldn't dare write what I think. So guest columnist this week will be Lewis Solomon.
Is the Campaign Over?
Although no official announcement has been made that the United Jewish Fund campaign is at an end, unofficially the drive is closed. With nearly every city in the United States surpassing their goals, we in San Diego have fallen far short of the 200,000.00 we were pledged to raise...one of the only cities in fact that failed...failed those who desperately look to us for their daily bread. I am ashamed of this rich community, where so many fortunes have been made...but not the United Jewish Appeals quota.

Every leader that I have spoken to in the past few weeks has shown disgust at the results of our humanitarian drive. What is the reasons that a community, which has been so proud of its charitable record, falls down when the real test is made?

A Remedy

Surely it isn't too late to do something about remedying this situation and remove the blight on San Diego. We have men in this community with the know how, contacts, facilities and means who could help carry the campaign to a successful conclusion... the same men, who have been and are active in the Fund.  Such men as Nate Baranov, Jack Gross, Louis Steinman, Elliott Cushman, George Neumann, Irvine Schulman, Max Rabinowitz, Leo Greenbaum and others, who have the Fund at heart could still do something.

We know by now, that we must depend upon the Jewish people for the bulk of our money. 

Couldn't we conduct an affair such as we did at the bond rallies, where over a half a million dollars in bonds were sold in a single night at the Temple Center? The difference between success, or failure is less than 65,000.00  How about a show...or a dinner?

 I think it's worth a try..I'll do what I can to help.