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September 1949— 1) "Congress Chapter Inaugurated Here," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: A new American Jewish Congress chapter is being formed in San Diego. Members of the community interested in the work of the Congress met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Louis Solof Thursday, August 25.  Rabbi Leonard A. Greenberg of Los Angeles, Pacific Coast field representative of the A.J.C. led discussion on A.J.C. claims and philosophy. Rabbi Greenberg introduced Mel Springer, publisher of the Valley Jewish News, North Hollywood, chairman of the Southern California administrative committee as guest speaker, who told of the forming of Congress 33 years ago by Rabbi Stephen S. Wise and Louis Lipsky, and of its steady progress to the present day. "For the past eight years A.J.C. has taken a more active and militant stand on discrimination, Springer said, leading the way for other American groups. Through its Law and Social Order program, the Congress has attacked anti-Semitism from a constructive angle, fighting this scourge through the courts when necessary. Assuming that discrimination is in reality an attack on democracy, its legal department is ready to champion minority groups of all colors and creeds, banding together for protection against bigotry at all times." Springer told the group of the exceptional educational program; its Office of Jewish Information, a bi-monthly: "The Congress Weekly," outstanding Jewish publication, edited by J.L. Teller, formerly editor of the Independent Jewish Press Service. A.J.C. worked untiringly for the realization of the State of Israel, and is now concentrating on the denazification program in Germany, which is taking an alarming turn. During the past few years many chapters have been formed throughout the nation. In California, Los Angeles leads with thirty-five active chapters, San Francisco and San Jose have recently joined the region, which is headed by Judge Ben Rosenthal and Rabbi Max Nussbaum of Los Angeles. Meeting at the Solof home were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Solomon, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pollack, Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wosk, Hillel Arkin, Mrs. Eva Arkin, Raymond Bass, Oscar Dubowsky, Henry Price, Morrie Douglas, Manny Haffner and Dr. Walter Ornstein. The group set up a steering committee headed by Lou Pollack to plan a public meeting for the immediate future.

November 18, 1949— "Local Leaders To Be Honored At Annual United Jewish Fund Meeting," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 1: Eli H. Levenson, president of the United Jewish Fund, will be honored by the Jewish community of San Diego on Sunday, November 27, at the 16th annual meeting of the United Jewish Fund. Three years of service as President of the United Jewish Fund, as an Executive Board member of the district B'nai B'rith and as an active participant in civic affairs, he will be rewarded as his fellow citizens gather to pay homage to this young lawyer. Tribute will also be paid to an older lawyer, Judge Jacob Weinberger, on his return as the Resident Judge in San Diego. Judge Weinberger was the first president of the fund and did much to bring it into existence. Saul Chenkin and Louis Steinman, co-chairmen of the 1949 campaign, and other outstanding members of the San Diego community, will be honored for their leadership in the 1949 Campaign. Along with them outstanding community leaders will be announced by the "Key Club," which will induct new members who receive the "Key Men's Award" for service to the community.  The disbursement of funds raised in the 1949 Campaign will be announced, and a report received from the Nomination Committee. Elections of members to the Board of Directors will be one of the highlights of the annual meeting.  Nominees are Dr. A.P. Nasatir, for a one-year term; for a two-year term, Mrs. Gabriel Berg, M.S. Berlin, Edward Bland, Saul Chenkin, I.L. Domnitz, Morris Douglas, Maurice Harris, Rodin Horrow, Morris Niederman, Abe Ratner, Milton Roberts, Abe Schiller, Al Neumann, Dr. R.M. Stone, Sam Sosna, Abe Sackheim and Harry Snyder. Members of the Board of Directors whose terms do not expire are Judge Jacob Weinberger, Nathan F. Baranov, Edward Breitbard, Morris Feldman, M.D. Goodrich, Leo Greenbaum, Ben Harris, Eli H. Levenson, Louis Moorsteen, Mrs. Al Neumann, Dr. Walter Ornstein, Sol Price, Max Rabinowitz, Nate Ratner, Victor Schulman, William Schwartz, Louis Steinman, Henry Weinberger and Frank Winicki. Reservations for the annual meeting may be made by calling F-0171, according to Morris Douglas, Chairman of the Arrangements Committee.

March 10, 1950—"'Keep the Miracle Alive' Will Take $283,000 For SD;  UJF Campaign Plans for 1950 Moves Ahead," Southwestern Jewish Press, Page 1: "Never before has San Diego Jewry seen such enthusiastic leadership in the pre-campaign period and in planning the drive," Murray Goodrich and Nate Ratner, chairmen, stated yesterday. "Most encouraging to us is the sincere interest being shown by community leaders in 'Keeping the Miracle Alive' in 1950. With the enthusiasm shown by everyone the campaign will be the best yet." Organization plans have been completed with the setting up of eight divisions in the Men's Group, a Women's Division under the leadership of Mrs. Selma Getz and a Christian division to be formed by Irving Friedman. The Young People's Division will be set up in the very near future. Captains and lieutenants of divisions, secured to date, read like a roster of leading citizens in the Jewish Community of San Diego. The Weizmann Division will be sparked by Louis Moorsteen, Its Penter, Louis Steinman, Ralph Hosenpud, Harry Snyder, Rod Horrow and Nate Baranov. Haganah Division will be officered by Sam Rassin, M.S. Berlin,, Edward Bland, Mickey Goldfarb, and Irvin Kahn. Al Newman, Milton Roberts, Sol Price, and Eli Levenson will be the dynamos to lead the Ben Gurion Group. Maurice Harris, Richard Levi, Harry Mallen, Eddie Kitaen, Jerry Freedman will spark the Palmach Division. The Magic Carpet Division will be lead by Morris Douglas, Dr. A.P. Nasatir, Morris Kraus, Abe Sklar, Sam Addleson, Harry Mallen, Bill Schwartz, Manny Fisher and Edward Breitbard. Again this year great things are expected from the Outlying District's Division which will be headed by Ben Harris, with Elmer Glaser of Oceanside, Arthur L. Cohen of Coronado, and Harold Sobel of Vista. A division to handle new prospects and those who did not contribute in 1949 will be led by Morris Niederman, Zel Camiel, Dr. Ornstein, Nathan Schiller, Henry Price, Dave Stotsky, Harry Dempsey and Mickey Fredman. The Commando Division to handle "Special Assignments" will have Max Rabinowitz, Harry Farb, Henry Weinberger, Saul Chenkin, Carl Esenoff and Victor Schulman as its leaders. The Professional Division will include Judge Jacob Weinberger, Dr. R.M. Stone, Dr. J.A. Rittoff, Dr. Fred Hollander, Ben Rubin, Carl Esenoff and John Ruskin. Cabinet members for the campaign to act as advisers to the chairmen were announced last week.  The Campaign Cabinet will consist of Murray D. Goodrich and Nate Ratner, chairmen of the 1950 campaign. Victor Schulman, Eli Levenson, Saul Chenkin, Max Rabinowitz, Louis Steinman, Rodin Horrow, Morris Douglas and Sol Price. The 1950 Campaign, "To Keep the Miracle Alive" will have a goal of $283,000 based on minimum needs of the 38 Overseas, Israel, National and Local Agencies participating in the drive. The goal is the absolute minimum and must be raised if San Diego Jewry is to assume its responsibility in this cause.  This year, as never before, plans are under way for the complete coverage of the entire Jewish Community of San Diego County.  Everyone will have an opportunity to help shoulder their responsibility in this great national cause.  More workers will be needed than ever before, according to Goodrich and Ratner, so that complete coverage may be effected. Organizations have been asked to provide workers and anyone wishing to volunteer may do so by calling Franklin 0171.  All community minded Jews are asked to participate by giving and working in the "Keep the Miracle Alive" 1950 Campaign, which will open in early April.

March 28, 1950— "Passover Greetings," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 9: San Diego County and City Officials and Profession Men Send Greetings To Their Jewish Friends on Passover.....Dr. and Mrs. Walter Ornstein and Reneta....

December 1, 1950—"Notice of the Report of the Nominating Committee of the United Jewish Fund," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 13: In accordance with the by-laws of the United Jewish Fund of San Diego, the following members of the corporation are nominated by the nominating committee for the vacancies on the Board of Directors for a 2-year-term, 1951-53: David Block, Leo Brett, William Burnett, Harry Farb, Manuel Fisher, Jerry Freedman, Irving Friedman, Murray Goodrich, Ben Harris, Richard Levi, Julius Levine, Harry Mallen, Louis Moorsteein, Walter Ornstein, Sol Price, Seymour Rabin, Nathaniel Ratner, Ben Rubin, Victor Schulman, Mrs. Ann Shelley, Henry Weinberger.  Members are further notified that any 5 members in good standing (any contributor who has paid his previous year pledge) may nominate any member in good standing by petition which must include an acceptance in writing by the member nominated.  Those Directors whose terms do not now expire are: Judge Jacob Weinberger, Nathan F. Baranov, and Eli H. Levenson, Past Presidents.  Mrs. Gabriel Berg, I. L. Domnitz, Edward Bland, Morris Douglas, Saul Chenkin, Rodin Horrow, Alex Newman, Abe Ratner, Morris Niederman, Dr. Robert Stone, Milton Roberts, Nate Schiller, Abe Sackheim, Harry Snyder, Sam Sosna, Maurice Harris, Ralph Rosenpud.  Petitions for additional nominees must be presented to the office of the United Jewish Fund, 333 Plaza, not later than December 15, 1950, 12:00 noon.

November 21, 1951— "Notice of Annual Meeting and Report of Nominating Committee," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 8: Notice is hereby given of the Annual Meeting of the United Jewish Fund of San Diego to be held on Sunday, December 9, 1951, at the El Cortez Hotel. The annual election of members of the Board of Directors to fill the vacancies will be held at this time at or about 8:00 p.m. The Nominating Committee submitting the names for election to the Board of Directors includes: Harry Farb, Chairman; Mrs. Gabriel Berg; Ben Harris, Harry Mallen, Nathaniel Ratner, Harry Snyder, Ruben Umansky.  A) Nomination for Members of the Board of Directors for 2-year Terms (1952-1954): Abe Abramson, Mrs. Gabriel Berg, I.L. Domnitz, Morris Douglas, Jack Gross, David Horowitz, Rodin Horrow, Ralph Hosenpud, Yalke Kahn, Morry Levenson, B.B. Margolis, Dr. A.P.Nasatir, Milton Roberts, Nathan Schiller, Albert Steinman, Dr. Robert M. Stone, Harry Snyder, Ruben Umansky, Alex Wise. B) Members of the Board of Directors whose terms do not expire:  Past Presidents—Judge Jacob Weinberger; Nathan F. Baranov; Eli H. Levenson; Rabbis—Rabbi Morton J. Cohn; Rabbi Monroe Levens, Rabbi Baruch Stern; Areas—Arthur L. Cohen, Elmer Glaser, William Schwartz; David Block; William Burnett; Harry Farb; Manuel Fisher; Jerome Freedman; Irving Friedman; Arthur Gardner; Murray D.Goodrich; Ben Harris; Richard Levi; Julius Levin, Harry Mallen, Louis Moorsteen; Dr. W. Ornstein, Sol Price; Seymour Rabin; Nathaniel Ratner, Ben Rubin, Victor Schulman, Louis Steinman, Henry Weinberger.  C) Members of the Board of Directors whose terms expire: Mrs. Gabriel Berg, Edward Bland, Saul Chenkin, I.L. Domnitz, Morris Douglas, Rodin Horrow; Ralph Hosenpud, Alex Newman, Morris Niederman, Abe Ratner, Dr. Oscar Ravin, Milton Roberts, Abe Sackheim, Nathan Schiller, Victor Schulman, Mrs. Anna Shelley, Sam Sosna, Dr. Robert Stone, Harry Snyder, Reuben Umansky.  D) In accordance with the By-Laws of the United Jewish Fund, independent nominations of candidates for election at the annual meeting may also be made by any 5 members (paid up contributors) provided the same is delivered with the written acceptance of the candidate to the Secretary or Executive Director of the Corporation no later than Friday, November 30, 1951, 5:00 p.m.

October 31, 2005—
Visit to the grave site of Dr. Walter Ornstein, Sholom Lawn, Greenwood Cemetery, San Diego, California: