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Holiday Message
Southwestern Jewish Press, September 28, 1951,  page 2

By Albert A. Hutler, Executive Director, United Jewish Fund

Rosh Hashanah is the classic period of personal and communal introspection. There is no more appropriate time for creating a state of calmness in which one can take an inventory for the past years, as well as for creating that state of forward looking vision so necessary to meet the complex needs and responsibilities of American Jewry—of the Jews of San Diego. It is at this time that all of us should look into the future and proceed against all obstacles and fears, to draw our plans for a sound and creative community. Education towards the formulation of a policy which can create such a community is what our leadership needs more than any other single activity. The encouragement and stimulation of all efforts on the part of individuals and organizations in our community to create and develop a wholesome Jewish group and individual life discharging our responsibility to ourselves, to our community, and to our country, is an essential policy that must be adopted.  It is precisely in that area of community creativity that the San Diego Federation of Jewish Agencies, the United Jewish Fund of San Diego, and the Synagogues of the community working together on a sincere cooperative and understanding basis can be most effective.  No greater boon could come to San Diego Jewry in the year 5712 than the wide spread acceptance of an honest policy of constructive cooperation among all groups and their leadership. This type of program, of course, calls for the highest degree of maturity and steadiness of purpose.  Perhaps we in San Diego are not ready.  Perhaps the San Diego Jewish Community has not yet reaches a proper state of maturity. Together with best wishes for a year of fulfillment for everyone from the joint Boards of Directors of the Federation and the Fund, their officers and staff, is added the prayer that the New Year, 5712, will bring San Diego Jewry closer to that goal.