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Community Currents
Southwestern Jewish Press, March 2, 1951,  page 2

By Albert Hutler, Executive Director, United Jewish Fund

Random Thoughts —It was nice a short time ago to receive a visit from a very old and dear friend of mine from Chicago. In all the statements I saw about Dr. Seaman, there was no mention of the one thing that has really made him famous. Seaman was for a period of some 25 years the director and guiding light of the Jewish People's institute of Chicago, one of the leading Community Centers in the United States. He is a great believer in central community organizations, in Community Centers and in their program.  (new paragraph) A group of San Diegans went to see Eddie Breitbard installed as president of the Southern California B'nai B'rith Council. It was a gala, overflowing affair, in which Eddie did himself and San Diego Jewry proud. B'nai B'rith in the Los Angeles area, is becoming more and ore a community service organization for the local community, as was indicated by the fact that almost every individual being honored that evening had as his major piece of work, at one time or another, the chairmanship of the manpower committee for the Jewish Welfare Fund Drive of Los Angeles. (new paragraph) It is interesting to see men who were and still are active in the Jewish Community beginning to spread out and take leadership in the community as a whole.  Murray Goodrich, last year's chairman of the United Jewish Fund Campaign, is to be congratulated on the excellent work he is doing as chairman of the Heart Fund for San Diego. Murray with his enthusiasm, energy, and warm heart, does a world of good for any organization in which he works. Dan Loewenthal is now the president of the Travelers Aid of San Diego, and Irving Friedman, besides being chairman of the Fund Drive Divisions, is president of Guadalupe Clinic, and is on the Budget Committee of the Community Chest.  There are many others working in community enterprises and form time to time we will tell you about them. We are very strong on the point that we Jews have two responsibilities in our local community. One to the Jewish community and the other to the overall community.

Visiting Fireman—Last week was a "Hay Day" for visiting firemen representing some of the national organizations. They came down to meet with the officers and executives of the United Jewish Fund to discuss mutual problems.. Louis Weintraub, Regional Director for the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, led a discussion of the work of the Jewish Welfare Society with some of its officers and board members. Marty Pfefferkorn, who is with the united Jewish Appeal in this area, came down to see how the campaign was developing, and William Rosenberg, who has been designated to this area by the Israeli Bond Issue, discussed the coordination and cooperation in that program with our Centeral Community Organization. All in all it was a very busy week for officers of the various Central Organizations, and became more so when Harry Schatz, representing the Jewish Welfare Board Community Center Division, came down to sit in a meeting with some of the Center Committee.