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Community Currents
Southwestern Jewish Press, September 22, 1950, page 2

By Albert Hutler, Executive Director, United Jewish Fund

Oakland Builds for Better Living—One of the things that is most confusing in San Diego is the conflict between those forces who feel that more money should be spent locally, and those who show no interest in the local community at all. This is also a problem nationally. However, it's been solved in Oakland, California, where out of approximately $350,000 raised in the 1950 campaign, $181,000 has been allocated for needs for Oakland and its surrounding area. Oakland has just broken ground for a new Old Folks Home under the leadership of the Oakland Jewish Federation, and has just built a new Jewish Community Center. You'd almost begin to believe that with that kind of thinking, Oakland was in the Eastern part of the United States.

Funds To Be Distributed—United Jewish Fund Allocation Committee will begin distributing the funds, which were raised in 1950 in the campaign.  The job this year should be a lot easier than in the past, since much of the work was done before the campaign started. The problem will be to distribute money in the percentage categories as outlined by the Pre-Campaign Allocations Committee. More than 85 percent of the net monies raised will go to Israel and Overseas; the balance will be distributed between local needs and national agencies, and institutions. The real problem is going to be how to distribute the same amount to each of the agencies and to the United Jewish Appeal when the campaign is now approximately 11 percent behind last year. Sol Price, chairman of the committee, and his very able members, will wrestle with this to a successful conclusion. Certainly everyon won't be satisfied, but we're all sure that the best job possible will be done.

Community Chest Needs Your Help—Conscientious citizens of the local community will soon be engaged in the Community Chest Campaign, which will open in late October. All of us are pleased with the recognition given to Irving Friedman as special gifts chairman, Eli Levenson, who will chair the speakers committee for the Community Chest drive, Mrs. Al Newman, who will be one of the district leaders, and Ed Breitbard. Workers will be needed and it is suggested that everyone who has the time, ought to pitch in and help in this great effort for San Diego's philanthropic agencies, of which the Jewish Welfare Society is one.

Community Centers Growing—Fifty-nine Jewish Community Centers in 55 communities in 24 states embarked on building programs involving the erection of brand new structures, of the remodeling of existing facilities, with the total estimated cost of $12,000,000 during the year dended August 31, 1950. San Diego ought to take notice that a community the size of Sioux City, Iowa, has just built a new beautiful Community Center, with the assistance of the local Rabbis.